I first met Mike Quesenberry at an ABS (American Bladesmith Society) show in San Antonio and really liked his work. Tim Hancock ABS MS and friend said that Mike was a maker to watch, so I did. After getting my first piece from Mike when he was a Journeyman Smith, a fighter, I asked if anyone had asked for his first MS knife. No one had, so I asked then and there and Mike agreed. I have worked with many knifemakers and it is often my habit to challenge them to do something new/different. Most welcome the challenge as did Mike. We decided on a push dagger and one with pique work to up the difficulty factor. Mike has less hair now. Here is the result.
Hey Mark, this is a beautiful piece. I had the pleasure of handling it in LR and talking to Mike (and you) about it. It's amazing how he did those gold pins and understand why he now has less hair. Amazing Damascus too. I bought his Koa integral hunter. Mike is really testing new ground these days. Mark Schilling