Sunday, December 23, 2012

Scott Sawby Combat Utility Model Knife

Scott Sawby has been making great knives for many years and one of his classic models is the CU (Combat Utility).  Scott no longer offers this model as a regular catalog item (to bad).  Most of Scott's knives are "fancier" than the CU with most having inlays of premium materials such as pearl, jade and other exotic stones.  The CU was developed as a utility knife but it to can be dressed up.  Here are a few CU's to check out;

 CU with Damascus blade & pocket clip, Lightning Strike Carbon Fiber scales

CU with Lightning Strike Carbon Fiber scales

CU with Stag scales
 Small CU with Damascus blade & pocket clip, carbon Fiber scales

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Knife that makes me smile

After collecting knives over many years and seeing many many nice pieces it is fun to find one I really like enough to want to add it to my collection.  Found this one at the East Coast Custom Show in NJ.  Warren Osborne knife with engraving by Jon Robyn.

"The Greatest Show on Earth"

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cool Kitchen Knives

Like most people I do not pay much attention to the knives I use in the kitchen, I have had some decent ones but nothing special, until lately.  I picked up an Italian kitchen knife a couple years ago for my wife as she wanted one with scallops in the blade, saw something on television about how effective the scallops worked.  It worked ok though I was not particularly a fan.  The wood handle broke and my wife wanted it fixed as it had been a gift from me.  I told her it wasn't worth the cost/effort.  As usual, my wife prevailed.  I sent the knife, along with a beautiful piece of Ironwood, to my friend and knife maker extraordinaire Ken Steigerwalt.  Ken re-handleed the knife reshaping the handle contour in the process and sharpened the blade.  The knife now cuts like nobodies business.  It is now the best knife in the kitchen.

I was at the Knifemakers Guild Show in Louisville this past September and saw a knifemaker with some pretty cool kitchen knives on his table.  I took a friend over to his table to show him my find.  He bought the knife I liked the best!  You snooze and you lose as they say.  I went back on the hunt.  Wesley Hibben, one of Gil Hibben's sons was displaying at the show.  Along with the many other types of knives on his table was a kitchen knife which is now mine.

It is a very good knife and we use it in the kitchen on a regular basis.  Considering my love of knives I don't know why I haven't focused more on the ones I use on a regular basis in the kitchen.  The next knife show I went to was the Plaza Show in California.  Guess what, I found some more cool kitchen knives.

Don Andrade was a knife maker with whom I was not familiar.  Don makes some really cool knives.  Tai Goo is a mentor and it shows in his style.  I purchased an Integral Utility and a Camp Cleaver from Don.  The Integral Utility features exhibition grade African Ebony and a Lemon Wood inlay.  The Cleaver features African Blackwood, Lemon wood inlay and resin impregnated cotton woven wrap.  these are two beautiful and functional knives.

Definitely more fun to cook with cool knives!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Larry Fuegen Push Dagger

Larry is best known for his Push Daggers and his Goblin folders.  I am a big fan of his Push Daggers and here is a new one going into my collection.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

In Bound

can't wait to receive this one!

Monday, September 10, 2012

John Young Antique Bowie Repro

John Young is one of the most talented knifemakers working today.  John is best known for his Loveless style knives, rightfully so.  However, John's talent reaches further.  I asked John if he would like to try something he hadn't done before and he said sure.  Well I challenged him to build a reproduction of an antique bowie.  We chose the Kimball Bowie, the original of which was made sometime between 1829 and 1839 and owned by Loring Kimball of Vicksburg, MS.  This is a beauty.  Enjoy the pictures.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Fox and the Hound

Here is a beautiful little Coke Bottle folder from Steve Hoel with great Gold Lip Pearl inlays and engraving by ray Cover Jr.

Ray has done many pieces for me over the years and the results never disappoint.  Great execution of a classic theme.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Teaser picture

Sent a very nice Tom Overeynder knife off to Lisa Tomlin for engraving and Lisa sent me a picture of only one bolster, what a tease.  The theme of the engraving is predator/prey with a lion and a zebra as the subjects.  After I receive it and photograph it I'll post a full set of pictures, until then, here is the tease;

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Big Sky Knife Show and hammer Inn

Attended Josh Smith's Big Sky Knife Show and Hammer Inn last weekend, this is my 4th time attending.  This is one of my favorite shows, it features a limited number of makers and collectors all able to spend a lot of quality time together socializing and talking knives. The Knife Show starts Friday evening in an art gallery in downtown Missoula, however, most everyone gets together beginning mid-morning Friday out at Josh's ranch.  The day consists of talking, drinking, eating, cigar smoking and playing with knives.  Josh and his wife Jodie are wonderful hosts.  Here are some pictures of the scenery at Josh's ranch;

On Saturday the Hammer Inn begins and it is open to all.  Quite a few knife makers attend the learning/skills seminars that take place all day Saturday and continue Sunday morning.

Here are a couple pictures of the training/skills session, first is a tent to provide some shade;

Here is Tim Hancock teaching a seminar,

Most of the knives are sold lottery style at the Art Gallery and some are available the next day out at Josh's.  Here are some of the knives;

Josh Smith Bowie and 2 blade folder

Josh Smith Push Dagger

 Enrique Pena Knives

Tim Hancock Hunter

Tim Hancock Bowie

I was lucky enough to get drawn for several knives including these;

Ken Steigerwalt Deco Folder

Enrique Pena Pre-ban Ivory Stockman

Enrique Pena 5 Blade Sowbelly Prototype

Owen Wood Deco Dagger

I also picked up a few John Young knives plus another Pena and a Steigerwalt.

This is a great show and I recommend attending if you are able.  Glacier National Park is a few hours north of Josh's and Yellowstone National Park is about 5 hours south.  The fishing in the area is some of the best in the lower 48. Many guests arrange to enjoy these many wonderful opportunities in the area along with the show and hammer inn.  Josh is now doing the show every other year. Check it out, you will not regret it.